

LUCY'S select

LUCY'S select


Fukushima City, Shinmachi 1-22 Naniwabiru 1F

LUCY'S select
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With our flashy POP facade on Bunka Street in Fukushima Prefecture, Fukushima City, Lucy's Select has all sorts of miscellaneous goods, clothes, and other things picked out and displayed by the owner.
We are always getting new arrivals (dresses, skirts, T-shirts, jeans, boots, belts and other things), so please be sure to check our blog, OK?

The store details

Name LUCY'S select
Address Fukushima City, Shinmachi 1-22 Naniwabiru 1F
Hours 10:30 to 19:30
Regular holiday Open every day
TEL 024-521-2152
Fax 024-521-2152
Email lucys@willcom.com
URL http://yaplog.jp/lucysblog/
Access A 10-minute walk from Fukushima Station
Credit card Yes
Tobacco No smoking


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