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Pinocchio Bake Shop

Pinocchio Bake Shop


Nihonmatsu City, Motomachi 1-231

Pinocchio Bake Shop
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We've been in operation since 1631, continuing for a long time as a confectionery but now as a bread shop for locals.

"Cornet" is the #1 choice. For the Cornet, dough balls with slightly reduced sweetness are rolled and filled with mocha cream.

We select each individual ingredient carefully, including butter etc. and we make wonderful handmade bread.

Other breadstuff from sweet rolls and stuffed buns to rusks and egg cakes are popular items here.

We wait to see everyone.

The store details

Name Pinocchio Bake Shop
Address Nihonmatsu City, Motomachi 1-231
Hours 10:00 to 19:00
Closed Sundays and holidays
Telephone 0243-22-3484
Fax 0243-22-0523
Access 3 min by car from Nihonmatsu IC
Smoking conditions Smoking is not allowed


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