

Kato Meats

Kato Meats


Nihonmatsu City, Dake Onsen 1-chome 264

Kato Meats
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We have meat from local brands of cattle including Adatara Kobo cattle on sale here.

Dake Onsen inns rely on us to supply them with good quality for your eating pleasure.

Furthermore, we sell and ship renowned Aizu equine sashimi and other special things.

The store details

Name Kato Meats
Address Nihonmatsu City, Dake Onsen 1-chome 264
Hours 7:00 to 19:00
Regular holiday Wednesday
TEL 0243-24-2516
Fax 0243-24-2516
URL http://www.dakeonsen.or.jp/shop-kato.stm
Access 20 minutes by car from Nihonmatsu IC
Credit card No
Tobacco Non-smoking


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